I see on the chatrooms epic distrust or jealously about CAC and its founder John Albanese. I’ve supported him for many years because I know his integrity and his abilities. However, this week his abilities more then proved out how amazing he really is. There is no other active grader in any service who has the skills set JA does. I do rank Mark Salzberg next in line, but I have never seen (nor do I know of) him being able to do this. A few weeks ago I sent close to 200 coins into PCGS for a customer for regrade and reholdering. 45 coins changed grades (most were +). All the holders were changed and new serial numbers were added. Here is what blew me away: out of the nearly 200 coins I sent back to CAC, JA only missed 2 coins that should have been beaned! TWO! 11 coins in the deal did not CAC. I thought for sure he missed them. As I sat looking up the old certs, oh’s became wow’s. He was also able to identify the new up grades. That was an incredible job he did identifying the original non stickered coins. Keep in mind, he has not seen these coins for a few years. I spoke to him about it, he claims the fact he only does about 450 coins a day and they don’t rush helps.  He was too modest to acknowledge that incredible feat. Now that is real consistency and an incredible set of memory skills! This is not the first time I have seem him do this. This time it was just on a larger scale. I want collectors to know that CAC is accurate on its grading and they really do have a super talent head finalizer who unquestionably is the very best in the biz. People always ask me if they are holding the line, here is proof they are. Right now any more consumer confidence we can have is more positives overall for the market. This is part of why CAC is able to enjoy huge demand and always bring stronger prices. This really did blow me away. Just in: Maybe this is more crzy: Tuesday is my idols Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) 75th B Day! And they are going out on tour this summer….Now that is incredible  

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